heyy ! yeyy ! yeyy ! 하하하 ..

it's almost 3 months i didn't update right ? .
maklumlaa busy sikit , hahaha . sdhlaa Amy Exam esok , smpat lgi update ^^ .

hurm the 1st thing i want to say is about MH370 , who didn't know about this ? all over the world now know about this , kesiann kann ? smpai skarang blum lagi dijumpaii . keep praying for them , Hope soon have a good new to us and the victims .

the 2nd things isssss .... yeah the baddest female in da world iisssss CCCCLLLLL !
why i want to say about her ? didn't know ? heyy u must to know , this is also trending in worldwide .
before #MH370 is trending , #CLisUsingQuraanInHerSong is popular at twitter ( trending ) .
the first time i thought it was a fake , but when i try to heard MTBD song again , it was a really really right ! hahaha . this song is my fav , but bcoz of that , i delete this song from my phone :'( , just that i can do , i can't hate her bcos i love herrr , oppsss hahaha . it's mean im is a fan of herr , im a Blackjack ! 2ne1 is the 1st group i loved . hurmm .

Okayh now it's 3rd things , there are just 5 group i loved and stan

  1. EXO
  2. BAP
  3. BTS
  4. BTOB
  5. GOT7
exo , btob and bts , i start loves them last year , but BAP and GOT7 in this year .
oke i will tell why i loved this 2 group suddenly .

BAP = ahh , it's bcos Baekhyun , ehh ? ya laa . kan Amy minat Baekhyun , jdi Amy try laa search tntg baekhyun , pastu Amy jumpa "Hyun Family" , pastu Amy clicklaa . ooo . rupa2nya Baekhyun ni Isteri kpada Daehyun (BAP) dan ibu kpada V (BTS) . jdi Chanyeoll ? hahahahaa , lepas tgok muka Daehyun mau pula tgok member2nya lainn , tadahhhh ! hensem gilaa member2 lain nya nii , cehh hehehehe .. nahh dri situ Amy minat dorangg , sdh laa lagu2nya best2x .

GOT7 = k , tau JJ Project ? sbelum Amy stan Exo , Amy stan JJ Project la dlu ^^ , gara2 tgok DREAM HIGH 2 , JB n JR dua2 cute tu Amy suka .. tpi tiba2 dorang hiatus , x comeback apa , pastu Amy terbaca ada stu info mgatakan yg JJ Project akan buat comeback tpi akan ditambah 5 orang ahli lagi .. wahhh seronok sakan Amy time tuu .. hehehe , 5 orang tu pun Hensemm juga ^^ . sdh laa pandai menari especially MARK ! hahaha .

oke , it's time to study againn . penat taip huh sdhlaa esok Amy start exam . tpi skarang bru lega sbb smua sdh di sampaikann heee :* byee ! keep on waiting for my comeback yahh . hehhehehe .